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Generalna pitanja
Često postavljena pitanja i problemi. Hajde da zajedno pokušamo da pronađemo rješenje.
Da, na našem webshop-u je moguće izvršiti online plaćanje nekom od sledećih kartica: Master, Visa, Maestro. Više informacija je dostupno ovdje.
Vrlo jednostavno, koristeći online platformu www.dg-shop.me. Kada pronađete proizvod koji vam je potreban, možete ga dodati u korpu, prijaviti se i „proći“ kroz proces naručivanja. Nakon što narudžba bude spremna, na vaš e-mail ćete dobiti rezime narudžbe. Rezime narudžbe će se takođe čuvati kao posljednja korpa na vašem nalogu.
Pokušajte ponovo malo kasnije, moguće da platni procesori imaju trenutni zastoj. Ako uplata i dalje nije prihvaćena, potvrdite stanje na računu. Ako je sve kako treba, ali još uvijek ne možete da izvršite uplatu, kontaktirajte [email protected] i obavijestite nas o problemu. Narudžbom možemo upravljati ručno.
Ukoliko proizvod ima status “Nema na stanju” sačekajte dok proizvod bude ponovo dostupan za kupovinu ili se informišite o ponovnoj dostupnosti slanjem upita na mail adresu: [email protected]
Ukoliko nakon plaćanja, ipak želite da otkažete svoju narudžbu, učinite to što prije. Ako smo već obradili vašu narudžbu i dostava je „krenula“ ka vama, nažalost, otkazivanje narudžbe više nije moguće. Svakako, molimo da nas odmah kontaktirate putem mail-a ili kontakt forme na sajtu.
Advanced questions
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sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.
First and foremost, you never want to go without security protection on your computer. Free Anti-Virus has very low detection rates. Give us a call and we will be happy to inform you of the latest security software we recommend and sell to all our clients for Spyware, Malware and Virus protection.
First and foremost, you never want to go without security protection on your computer. Free Anti-Virus has very low detection rates. Give us a call and we will be happy to inform you of the latest security software we recommend and sell to all our clients for Spyware, Malware and Virus protection.
First and foremost, you never want to go without security protection on your computer. Free Anti-Virus has very low detection rates. Give us a call and we will be happy to inform you of the latest security software we recommend and sell to all our clients for Spyware, Malware and Virus protection.
First and foremost, you never want to go without security protection on your computer. Free Anti-Virus has very low detection rates. Give us a call and we will be happy to inform you of the latest security software we recommend and sell to all our clients for Spyware, Malware and Virus protection.
First and foremost, you never want to go without security protection on your computer. Free Anti-Virus has very low detection rates. Give us a call and we will be happy to inform you of the latest security software we recommend and sell to all our clients for Spyware, Malware and Virus protection.